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Looking out from the Orleans Cycle driveway which runs parallel to the Rail Trail, September, 2003. The intersection is very complicated -- six-way, and bi-directional at each entrance. The complexity, and the pedestrianization of bicycle movements, encourage hazardous movements like the one shown in this two-exposure panoramic photo. The cyclist in the green-and-white shirt has turned left onto the path to ride opposite traffic in the left crosswalk. A classic sidepath intersection problem: both the cyclist on the Rail Trail and a driver exiting the driveway would have to look back to see each other. One or both might be turning across the other's path. But each must also look in several other directions for traffic entering the six-way intersection. With vehicular movements, on the other hand, it is only necessary to scan in the forward 180 degree arc once having reached the intersection, because merging has already been accomplished.
Generated by JAlbum 7.4 / PositionMap 5.7.3
Photos and captions by John S. Allen
unless otherwise indicated.